The Joy of Reading

As a child, my favorite part of the day was the time spent with my mother before bed as she read to me. Over time, we read many different titles that introduced me to many different authors and styles of writing. However, one title always stuck with me over the years. Beverly Cleary’s “The Mouse and the Motorcycle” is a book that I have not read since I was only a few years old, but the story still brings a strong feeling of nostalgia whenever I run across it in a bookstore.

Now, as an adult, I see how important it was that my mother took the time every day to read to me before bed. It sparked a love of books in me that has never gone away. I may not have the time to read as much as I would like, but the lessons I learned about reading transferred over to both my school, and now professional lives.

The one, unwavering desire in me is to one day publish a novel. No matter what else I do in life, this has always been a goal that I plan on one day accomplishing. I would like to thank my Mom for taking the time out of her day to pass on her love of books. Without this time that we spent together so many years ago, I would not possess the passion for books that I do today.

I know when it comes time I will do the same for my children, because reading is and always will be one of the most fundamental parts of my life, whether it is for business or pleasure. What was your favorite book as a child? Take some time to ponder this and then share it with your children. Even if you just spend twenty minutes every night before bed, you will be giving your children a jumpstart on the rest of their lives, sparking their imagination and creating a lifelong reader!