Bedtime Stories

The end of the day can be special for a parent and child. It’s a time for children to unwind from the day, cuddle in the caring arms of Mom and Dad and share time that is meaningful for the family.

Bedtime can be immensely frustrating for parents of young children. Between fighting to put on pajamas, brushing teeth, finding that special blanket, finding the proper stuffed animals and all else that a young child can think of in the 30 minutes before bed, it might be a little difficult to slow down and prepare for reading time.

In every home, parents at least occasionally can’t wait to get the kids to bed so they can finally have time to themselves and relax from a stressful day. Making bedtime more than a batch of screaming followed by snapping off the light can take deliberate effort and superhero patience.

The few minutes before a child goes to sleep can be meaningful and satisfying for parent and child. With all the stress that can dwell in a modern home, finding quiet, focused time to spend with a young child should be a priority.

With all the effort that goes into bedtime, you don’t want to finally get to a place where the child is ready to listen, only to have books that are of poor quality and uninteresting. You want books that are fun, relaxing, educational and most of all–BOOKS THAT BUILD MEMORIES AND RELATIONSHIPS.

It is important to select books that strike a balance between fun and playful and relaxing. The list we have compiled below represents some of the best titles around for getting a little monster to bed. We have combed through thousands of books and leaned on the collective experience of the staff at Between all of us, we have 10 children under the age of 10 years.

Each of these books are ones that won’t bore a parent to tears if it becomes a favorite at bedtime. Some have rhyme scheme, others do not. But all share the ability to create meaningful time at the crossroads of day and night.

Some families prefer to read stories that are heavy on a plot and words. Other like to discuss picture books and make it a more free-form experience. The author of this post has a child who likes to thumb through a child’s dictionary, stopping at interesting pictures and asking the parent to read the definition that accompanies the picture.

Each family finds their groove for bedtime reading and story time. The important part is following the lead of the children and then directing them toward books that they will enjoy and ones that will create closeness and memories.

Making bedtime reading special does take effort, planning and most of all, good books. Please look at our list and let us know if you’d like to see a favorite title added to it. You can email us your ideas through the “contact us” button at he top of this web page.

Happy bedtime reading!

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