Great Stories For Children Starting Middle School (Part ll)

Great Stories For Children Starting Middle School (Part ll)

In the last blog, you were shown some unique stories that are great for the up and coming Middle-Schooler. Now, here is Part ll of the continued list of great stories that’ll capture any child’s attention:

Wonder (Wonder #1):  A story about a boy born with a face deformity. Auggie is home-schooled through grade four, but for middle school his parents decide to send him to a private school, Beecher Prep, in New York City. The story is told through different points of views, Auggie and the people around him. Auggie just wants other people to know that he’s just “an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary face”.


The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil #1): A story about where each year two children are taken. This time it’s best friends Sophie and Agatha. When they’re spirited away into the Endless Woods they discover that the kidnapped children are taken and placed into the School for Evil and the School for Good. But what does it mean when princess-like, strong moral Sophie is placed in the School for Evil and black frock, constant dislike of people Agatha is placed in the School for Good?

A Monster Calls: Conor’s nightmares begin shortly after his mother starts her treatments for cancer. His father is more engrossed in his new family to even remember Conor is there. Along side with all of that he has a grandmother who doesn’t understand him and classmates who just seemingly forgot that he’s right there with them. A more dark and very saddening tale about Conor’s struggles and finding out what ‘the monster who visits him’ really is.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Harry Potter #1): A time-tale classic. A story about a forgotten boy living in a cupboard under the stairs who finds out he’s really a wizard and goes on the most magical adventure written to this day. Along side with his tall and clumsy friend Ron, and the astute Hermione, together they learn new spells and discover the complexity of friendship. Harry learns he’s a part of a great destiny… one he might not survive.