Y Tu Drag?n, ?C?mo Es?


Author: Jackie Morris
Illustrator: Jackie Morris
Publisher: Thule Ediciones
Publish Date: November 2010
Series: Trampantojo
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9788492595211

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Dragons of all varieties are described in this book–those as big as a village, others small enough to fit into the palm of a hand, fire dragons, and even ice dragons. Children are encouraged to answer the question If I had a dragon, what would it be like?

Se describen dragones de todos tipos en este libro–aquellos tan grandes como un pueblo, otros suficientemente peque?os como para caber en la palma de la mano, dragones de fuego y a?n dragones de hielo. Les anima a los ni?os a contestar la pregunta Si yo tuviera un drag?n, c?mo ser?a?


Pages: 28
Dimensions: 11.8 x 8.8 x 0.3 in
ISBN: 8492595213