Winnie Y Wilbur. El Drag?n de Medianoche (Nueva Edici?n)


Publish Date: July 2018
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9786075273860

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Mientras Winnie duerme, Wilbur, su gato, oye un ruido extra?o. Es un dragoncito que echa humo por la nariz. C?mo evitar? Winnie que se incendie su casa?, y, c?mo ayudar? al drag?n a encontrar a su mam?? Haciendo un poco de magia!

As Winnie is sleeping, her cat Wilbur hears a strange sound. It’s a baby dragon blowing smoke through his nose. How will Winnie avoid burning her house down? And how will they help the dragon find its mother? With a little magic!


Pages: 24
Dimensions: 11.2 x 8.6 x 0.3 in
ISBN: 6075273867