Un Campesino En El Vaticano: Juan XXIII


Publish Date: November 2014
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9788421853580

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Chronicling the life of Angelo Roncalli, the son of sharecroppers, from childhood to papacy, this biography introduces adolescent readers to the man who would go on to be known as “Good Pope John.” As Pope John XXIII, Roncalli worked tirelessly to foment unity among Christians all over the world and peace between nations, and he played a key role in the Second Vatican Council, which profoundly changed the course of the Catholic Church. As they learn about his efforts to save Jewish refugees during World War II and his ongoing campaign for peace and understanding among different peoples, readers will get a sense of the profound humanism and spirit of tolerance that marked the private life and public life–from priesthood to papacy–of John XXIII.

La humanidad y el esp?ritu de tolerancia fueron dos rasgos destacados de la personalidad de Angelo Roncalli, aspectos que desde el inicio caracterizaron su misi?n apost?lica y que ?l mismo supo convertir posteriormente en las se?as de identidad de su papado. As?, el papa Juan XXIII, conocido popularmente como el «Papa bueno , contribuy? enormemente a fomentar el ecumenismo entre los cristianos y la educaci?n para la paz entre todos los pueblos, y fue adem?s el principal impulsor del Concilio Vaticano II, que supuso una importante renovaci?n de la Iglesia cat?lica.


Pages: 144
Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.6 x 0.5 in
ISBN: 8421853589