Secret Kingdom 4. El Arrecife de Las Sirenas


Author: Rosie Banks
Publisher: Oceano
Publish Date: July 2017
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9786075271071

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Entra en un mundo m?gico lleno de amistad y diversi?n. Paula, Abril y Rita est?n a punto de vivir una m?gica aventura bajo el mar. Para ayudar a sus nuevos amigos acu?ticos deben evitar que la malvada reina Malicia se apodere de la perla de los deseos. Lo conseguir?n?

Enter a magical world full of friendship and fun. Paula, April, and Rita are about to have a magical adventure under the sea. To help their new friends in the sea, they’ll have to make sure the evil queen Malicia doesn’t get hold of the pearl of desires. Will they manage it?


Pages: 128
Dimensions: 7.6 x 4.8 x 0.4 in
ISBN: 6075271074