School Day Worries: The Link Between Thoughts & Anxiety


Publish Date: January 2020
Language: English
EAN: 9781989803059

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Minds are being troubled at Central School, as “anxiety” swoops in.

Aidan gets nervous about speaking in class and has anxiety about being bullied at school. Sophia doesn’t like trying new things and experiences a lot of symptoms of anxiety in her body. Hailey lets little thoughts become big worries about the future.

Join us as we get a unique glimpse into the minds of Mrs. Johnson’s students and learn more about the difficulties they face, and how they deal with those challenges.

Everyone experiences anxiety, but everyone experiences it differently. This book also contains activities and worksheets to help students correct thinking that causes anxiety, to become more aware of how breathing exercises can be calming, and to replace negative thoughts and emotions with positive thoughts and emotions (CBT). Permission is given to copy worksheets for educational/classroom use.

This is the sequel to “I Kicked the Ball in Gym Class” and the prequel to “The Anti-Bullying Project.”


Pages: 42
Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 x 0.25 in
ISBN: 1989803059