Mama Oca y el Pastel = Mother Goose and the Vowels


Publish Date: April 2002
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9788478644032

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This level is perfect for four-year-olds or those who can recognize some or all letters but are not yet reading alone. Each set of four books contains characters such as a mother goose and her young or a small child learning about the world, so that early readers can develop sight recognition from book to book. Charming illustrations capture the imagination of young children and encourage them to return to those stories again and again.
Al paso es para los ni?os que reconocen todas las letras. Las historias est?n agrupadas de cuatro en cuatro con un mismo personaje. Una gansa y sus cr?as y un beb? peque?o ofrece una narraci?n distinta. La calidad de las historias se completa con las ilustraciones bellas y la variedad de temas.


Pages: 24
Dimensions: 8.42 x 8.52 x 0.26 in
ISBN: 8478644032