Malditos Roedores / Pesty Rats!


Author: Isaac Palmiola
Publisher: Montena
Publish Date: October 2018
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9788490439340

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Malditos roedores es la octava entrega de las aventuras de #PerrockHolmes, la nueva serie de detectives juvenil con m?s suspense, aventura y grandes dosis de humor.

Cuando el misterio llame a tu puerta, t? llama a Perrock, Perrock Holmes.

Julia, Diego, Perrok y Gatson est?n en el Olimpo de los detectives. Despu?s de que lograran rescatar a la Ser?ora Fletcher se han convertido en verdaderas celebridades dentro del Mystery Club. Hurra! Sin embargo, toda su fama no les sirve para escaquearse de tener que investigar un caso m?s bien… peliagudo.

Estos son los hechos: Alguien ha est? boicoteando la f?brica de las patatas fritas m?s populares del mercado… con una plaga de ratas GIGANTES! Qu? asco!

Estas son las pistas: No habr? pistas hasta que a Gatson le traigan cincuenta bolsas de patatas para merendar…

Aqu? huele a misterio… o no?


Malditos roedores / Pesty Rats is the eighth installment of the #PerrockHolmes adventures, the new series of young detectives filled with suspense, adventure, and lots of humor. When mystery knocks at your door, you call Perrock Holmes! Julia, Diego, Perrock, and Gatson are at the peak of their detective fame. After they rescued Mrs. Fletcher they have become true celebrities within the Mystery Club. Hurray!

However, even with all their new-found fame, they won’t be able to escape from investigating a rather tricky case. Here are the facts: someone has boycotted the most popular potato chips factory in town… claiming a plague of GIANT rats! Gross! Here are the clues: there will be no clues until Gatson is brought fifty bags of chips to snack on … Does this smell like a mystery?


Pages: 128
Dimensions: 8.7 x 5.8 x 0.7 in
ISBN: 8490439346