Klutz: Fleurs Formidables: Cr?e de Jolies Fleurs de Papier


Publish Date: March 2013
Series: Klutz
Language: French
EAN: 9781443125826

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See below for English description.

Les jeunes pourront donner libre cours ? leur imagination avec ce livre d’activit’s qui comprend des instructions claires et simples pour les guider dans la cr?ation de fleurs de papier r?alistes en trois dimensions: roses, marguerites, jonquilles, zinnias, hibiscus, cosmos et pavots prendront forme sous le regard ?bahi des jeunes artistes.

Ornements scintillants et papiers aux couleurs chatoyantes inclus.

Kids can let their creativity bloom with this book of can’t-go-wrong instructions for life-sized, dimensional, paper blossoms inspired by their favourite flowers. Sparkly embellishments, fresh paper colours, whimsical design variations, and a custom shaping tool give these blossoms a twist that’s pure Klutz.

Comes with custom printed, pre-cut flower petals (some with glitter), rhinestone flower centers, floral wire, and glue.

Original Title: Fabulous Flowers


Pages: 58
ISBN: 1443125822