Grandfather Kashy Koala: The Journey


Publish Date: September 2022
Series: Kashy Koala
Language: English
EAN: 9780645478945

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This children’s book is Book 1 of: The ‘Kashy Koala Series’. The story is about a colony of koalas in the Australian bushland whose lives are being threatened as a result of bush fires, trees being cut down and not replaced. Also, there are more houses being built than trees being grown to replace the wood being used for building houses. Grandfather Kashy Koala through his instincts and wise judgment leads the koala colony to a home where they can safely grow amidst the food, water, and shelter of a protective environment. By doing this, Grandfather Kashy is trying to help the koala population live in a sustaining environment.


Pages: 32
Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 x 0.25 in
ISBN: 0645478946