El Lado Oscuro


Mass Market Paperbound
Publish Date: April 2018
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9786075272764

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In modern-day England, Nathan Bryn realizes he’s different from the rest. Even though his mother was a respected White witch, his father belonged to the fearsome Black witches, which divides Nathan between light and darkness. He doesn’t integrate well with the White community since they are suspicious of his differences. It doesn’t help that his father, Marcus, is the most powerful and cruel Black witch. Eventually, the White witches decide that the only way to control Nathan is to lock him up in a cage. He must escape before his 17th birthday, when he will receive three gifts from his father and become a witch himself–or else he will die. However, when he can trust no one, Nathan must determine his own destiny.

Inglaterra, ?poca actual. Nathan Byrn sabe que no es como los dem?s. Aunque su madre era una respetada Bruja Blanca, su padre pertenece al linaje de los temibles Brujos Negros, lo cual hace de ?l un ser dividido que se debate entre la luz y las tinieblas. Este origen no le permite integrarse plenamente a la comunidad Blanca, la cual lo trata con desprecio y recelo. El hecho de que Nathan sea, adem?s, hijo de Marcus, el m?s temido y odiado de los Brujos Negros, s?lo sirve para empeorar su situaci?n. El Consejo de los Brujos Blancos ha decidido someterlo a un control brutal para evitar que su lado sombr?o se imponga. No obstante, llega el momento en el que Nathan decide convertirse en el due?o de su destino: ser? ?l y nadie m?s quien determine su camino. En la l?nea de Patrick Ness y Markus Zusak, El lado oscuro es una novela apasionante sobre la alienaci?n y el indomable deseo de supervivencia.


Pages: 420
Dimensions: 7.4 x 2.9 x 0.2 in
ISBN: 6075272763