Curieux Comme Un Petit Chat !: Franz Schubert


Author: Ana Gerhard
Illustrator: Marie LaFrance
Publisher: La Montagne Secrete
Publish Date: February 2022
Language: French
EAN: 9782925108757

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Voyagez dans le temps pour faire la rencontre de Franz Schubert en suivant Minime, une charmante petite souris qui raffole du fromage et de la musique ! C’est enfin le printemps et Minime fl?ne ? la terrasse d’un caf?. Attabl? au milieu de la cohue, un homme r?veur est si absorb? par sa lecture qu’il ne remarque pas la pr?sence de l’intr?pide souris. Minime grimpe sur son ?paule et en profite pour lire un peu de po?sie. Lorsque l’homme se met ? gribouiller des notes de musique sur un coin de nappe, Minime est de plus en plus intrigu?. Mais il a aussi tr?s faim! Ayant rep?r? un morceau de gruy?re, il s’?lance comme une fl?che. Malheur, il s’agit d’une sourici?re ! Heureusement que Monsieur r?veur , Franz Schubert, est l? pour le sauver. Le conte illustr?, suivi de notes explicatives sur le compositeur et son oeuvre, est accompagn? d’un disque avec la narration du conte et l’interpr?tation de la pi?ce La truite (Quintette en la majeur). Un code unique pour le t?l?chargement des enregistrements est ?galement inclus. Travel through time following a charming little mouse called Minim who loves cheese and music. The setting is a lively open-air caf? on a beautiful spring day after a long, hard winter. In the midst of people talking and laughing, a very strange fellow sits by himself, book in hand, reading a poem about a trout swimming joyfully in a brook. The small rodent spots a scrumptious piece of gruyere on the floor next to the man’s table and is completely oblivious to the fact that it’s being used as bait for a mousetrap. Fortunately, before he can sink his teeth into the cheese, he is quickly lifted off the floor by the odd-looking daydreamer… who happens to be Franz Schubert! A brilliant composer who has no qualms about making time for the little things in life. In addition to an illustrated story and introductory notes on the composer in French, this book is accompanied by a CD featuring recordings of the narrated story and the performance of the composition “Trout Quintet” (“Forellenquintett”). A unique code for the digital download of the recordings and a printable file of the illustrated story is also included.


Pages: 36
Dimensions: 9.76 x 6.77 x 0.39 in
ISBN: 292510875X