Children’s Rhymes 6-Book Spanish Set


Publish Date: April 2014
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9781493812608

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Build fluency with this set of Reader’s Theater scripts that have been translated into Spanish! Centered around a theme of classic children’s nursery rhymes, this set of differentiated scripts features roles written to match multiple reading levels. Teachers can assign specific roles to English language learners based on everyone’s current reading level, allowing all readers to get involved in the same activity and feel successful! Students will gain confidence in their reading fluency through performance, regardless of their current reading ability. While performing with others, students will practice interacting cooperatively, reading aloud, and using expressive voices and gestures to better tell the story. This 6-book set includes: Qu? hora es? Reloj, reloj, el grit?n y Muchachito dormil?n (What Time Is It? Hickory, Dickory, Dock and Wee Willie Winkle); Comamos: La se?orita Muffet y El se?orito Jack Horner (Let’s Eat: Little Miss Muffet and Little Jack Horner); Las estrellas: Brilla, brilla, estrellita y Estrella alumbrada, estrella brillante (The Stars: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Star Light, Star Bright); Los cochinitos: Este cochinito y Palmas, palmitas (Little Piggies: This Little Piggy and Pat-A-Cake); Los violinistas: El viejo Rey Cole y Eh, chin, chin (The Fiddlers: Old King Cole and Hey Diddle, Diddle); Mascotas perdidas: La peque?a Bo Pip y A d?nde ha ido mi perrito? (Lost Pets: Little Bo Peep and Where Has My Little Dog Gone?).


Pages: 16
Dimensions: 8.9 x 7 x 0.4 in
ISBN: 1493812602