Biographie-Bd-Hockey: Carey Price


Publish Date: February 2023
Language: French
EAN: 9781443196574

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See below for English description.

N? ? Anihim Lake, en Colombie-Britannique, et membre de la Premi?re Nation

Ulkatch, Carey Price n’a commenc? ? jouer au hockey organis? qu’? l’?ge de

neuf ans. Il a compens? ce d?but tardif en devenant l’un des meilleurs gardiens

de la LNH. Apr?s avoir jou? de nombreuses saisons spectaculaires pour les

Canadiens de Montr?al, Carey a remport? la Coupe Calder, l’or olympique et de

nombreux autres honneurs.

Cette biographie en couleurs et facile ? lire apprendra aux admirateurs comment

Carey Price est devenu un joueur connu pour prendre soin du filet, de son ?quipe

et de lui-m?me d’une mani?re qui lui est propre.

Born in Anihim Lake, British Columbia, and a member of the Ulkatch

First Nation, Carey Price didn’t start playing organized hockey until he

was nine years old. But Carey made up for a late start, becoming one of

the best goalies in the NHL. Playing many spectacular seasons for the

Montreal Canadiens, Carey has won everything from the Calder Cup to an

Olympic Gold!

This full-colour, easy-to-read biography will teach fans how Carey Price

became a player known for taking care of the net, his team, and himself

in a way that is uniquely his own.


Pages: 64
Dimensions: 8.82 x 5.83 x 0.24 in
ISBN: 1443196576