Beware of the Nose-Biting Monster!: A Cautionary Tale for the Petrified Parents


Author: Jay Miletsky
Publisher: New Paige Pr
Publish Date: November 2018
Language: English
EAN: 9780692092699

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It happens to all kids – eventually, they grow teeth, and want to bite everything in their path! Beware of the Nose-Biting Monster! is a silly story about a parent that is suddenly under attack.

What happens when children start to grow teeth? They become nose-biting monsters, ready to chew anything they see!

This is a comical, silly story about a loving parent who is suddenly fearful when his child grows teeth and is out to bite his nose. Will the parent get chewed or up, or will his secret weapon stop the Nose-Biting Monster in its tracks?

While on the surface this book is about a child that is teething, it’s also a celebration of the special bond that exists between children and their parents. At the same time, even more subtly, it’s a hopeful message for families of non-non-verbal children.


Pages: 24
ISBN: 0692092692