Animales En Peligro: Un Mundo de Especies Amenazadas


Illustrator: Tom Frost
Author: Martin Jenkins
Publisher: El Lado Oscuro
Publish Date: September 2020
Language: Spanish
EAN: 9786075279398

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Deforestation, hunting and global warming have endangered countless species. The orangutan, okapi, giant panda and the blue whale are just some of the 30 species on the brink of extinction that are featured in this book. They need your help. The International Conservation Society illustrates how many of these species are left in the wild, and the latest status regarding their natural environment. You’ll learn how you can aid endangered species and help sustain the ecosystems that give them life.


Pages: 64
Dimensions: 13.1 x 10 x 0.5 in
ISBN: 6075279393